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  • Writer's pictureEmily T. Burak

AWS Backup Notifications to Slack


My use case for this project was wiring up AWS Backup notifications to Slack, which I focused on implementing using EC2 backups for ease of use in learning the service and its Terraform resources, you can check out the repo here. Turns out there’s a convenient Terraform resource for AWS Backup vault notifications! From there, I decided on using a Lambda in Python to process the notifications, as that’s a nice and simple way to do it.

Figuring out wiring up the lambda to Slack and the particularly special new to me tech in the form of Serverless framework deployment was a chunk of the work, including figuring out working with passed-in params from Terraform output and other wrinkles. Finally, I scripted out deploying the infrastructure, running a test and cleaning it all up.

The project uses Terraform to set up AWS infrastructure, the Serverless Framework to manage the Lambda function, and bash scripts to automate deployment and cleanup. The Lambda processes SNS notifications from AWS Backup and sends them to Slack.

Key Technologies Used

  • Terraform

  • AWS(Lambda, Backup, SNS primarily)

  • Serverless Framework

  • Bash

  • Slack



  • Install the AWS CLI and configure it with AWS admin credentials.

2. Terraform

  • Install Terraform to manage the infrastructure.

3. Node.js and npm

  • Install Node.js and npm to manage JavaScript dependencies.

4. Serverless Framework

  • Install the Serverless Framework globally using npm.

npm install -g serverless

5. Slack Webhook URL

  • Create a Slack App and obtain a webhook URL.

  • Replace the SLACK_ENDPOINT in serverless.yaml with your Slack webhook URL.

Main Infrastructure and Components

1. Terraform Infrastructure

  • Files:,

  • Purpose: Defines the AWS infrastructure required for the project.

  • Resources:

Backup Vault: Stores backups.

Backup Plan: Schedules backups.

Backup Selection: Selects resources to backup(the test EC2 instance here).

SNS Topic: Receives notifications from AWS Backup(for “BACKUP_JOB_STARTED” “BACKUP_JOB_FAILED”, “BACKUP_JOB_EXPIRED” and “BACKUP_JOB_COMPLETED” events).

EC2 Instance: Used for testing backups.

IAM Roles and Policies: Provide necessary permissions.

  • Notes: I didn’t utilize modules here, that’s best practice and for a production project I’d break the (inevitably more complex) infrastructure down into more organized and reusable modules. As well, there’s no remote backend in here. If you’re able to set this up, you’re able to move it to an S3 backend. Here, have a blog about that.

2. Serverless Framework

  • Files: /python/serverless.yaml, /python/

  • Purpose: Deploys and manages the AWS Lambda function. Triggered by SNS events, parses the event, and sends a notification to Slack.

serverless.yaml: Defines the Lambda function, its environment variables, and the SNS event source.

  • Notes: There’s are arguments to be made for managing the Lambda in Terraform more or less vs. Serverless, YMMV on what works for you, managing Lambdas in Terraform can be tricky, for an example see my AWS to Datadog Lambda via. Terraform repo.

3. Bash Scripts

  • Files:,

  • Purpose: Automates the deployment and teardown of the infrastructure. Sets up the infrastructure, deploys the Lambda function, and starts a backup job. Cleans up the resources and stops any running backup jobs.

  • Notes: In production, I’d use a more proper CI/CD solution using something like GH Actions.

4. Slack Integration

  • Files: /python/, /python/serverless.yaml

  • Purpose: Sends notifications to a Slack channel.

  • Notes: I used urllib3 here for HTTP requests, you can use requests or your favorite library for that, or subprocess curl or whatever you want, it's a POST request, whatever works.

Deployment-To-Teardown Flow

1. Deployment:

  • initializes and applies the Terraform configuration (, setting up the necessary AWS resources.

  • Outputs from Terraform are used to configure the Serverless Framework deployment.

  • The Serverless Framework deploys the Lambda function ( which is configured to trigger on SNS events.

2. Backup Job:

  • An on-demand backup job is started using the AWS CLI within

  • AWS Backup sends notifications to the SNS topic upon job state changes (e.g., started, completed, failed).

3. Notification Handling:

  • The SNS topic triggers the Lambda function (

  • The Lambda function parses the SNS message and sends a formatted notification to the configured Slack channel.

4. Teardown:

  • stops any running backup jobs, deletes recovery points, and destroys the Terraform-managed resources.

How To Use

1. Run

  • This script sets up the necessary infrastructure and runs an on-demand AWS Backup job.

  • It accepts two arguments: a stage (default is dev) and a region (default is us-east-1).

  • Example: 

./ dev us-west-2

2. Run

  • This script cleans up the resources and any running or just created but not yet run jobs.

  • It accepts two arguments: a stage and a region.

  • Example:

./ dev us-west-2


  • Got some familiarity with Backup — its start/completion windows, how it handles deleting vaults, the Default vault popped up for a moment there, and more. The docs aren’t the best, including a table they have listing the supported events for Notifications which is incorrect, not listing BACKUP_JOB_FAILED in a strange omission.

  • Took a couple of different approaches including looking at EventBridge before deciding on an SNS topic to a Lambda for simplicity. Originally had more code for various things like more logging but cut it down in the end, going from 20-something Terraform resources to 10 for example.

  • Worked on some bash, learned or recalled some good AWS CLI syntax like aws ec2 wait instance-status-ok is helpful to remember.

  • Backup requires little networking configuration, not requiring specific network connectivity from an EC2 resource for example, and even supporting cross-region backups — at first I was presuming I’d need to have some particular ingress or egress set up.

  • Fun reminder while formatting the final messages to send to Slack — Slack uses the markup language mrkdwn instead of markdown as detailed here, which does trip me up because everything uses markdown these days, right? Except where I’m writing this, of course.

Next Up.

  • Work with other services than just EC2 in conjunction with Backup, mostly RDS, which would’ve been more cumbersome to test and learn the service.



In conclusion, this project demonstrates a sample approach to integrating AWS Backup notifications with Slack using Terraform, AWS Lambda, and the Serverless Framework along with bash scripts for automating the deployment and cleanup process. By using IaC and some simple automation, this proof of concept demonstrates Backup’s integration with other services and how to set up Backup with a protected resource(in this case an EC2 instance) in a reliable, repeatable way that can be easily spun up and down. 

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